Battery-free ESL


We deliver digital price labeling without  battery to the specially developed rail and shelving systems from Vitra .


A contemporary shopping experience unites the digital with the offline world.Part of this is the so-called “Electronic Shelf Labels” ESL. With numerous electrified systems from Vitra, the ESLs can be easily integrated into the merchandise display in standard sizes and colors: they are fastened by clipping on the desired location and because they draw their energy from the invisible 3V busbar, the exchange is unnecessary of batteries.


The following Vitra retail systems are suitable for the use of ESL:

Invisible 6 P / L
Invisible 6 P / L
Xero Frame P / L
Xero Frame P / L
Xero LP / L
Xero LP / L
Xero Twin P / L
Xero Twin P / L